Re: Independent Study - Assistance?

Alexander Morou <>
Sat, 21 Feb 2009 08:41:32 -0600

          From comp.compilers

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Independent Study - Assistance? (Alexander Morou) (2009-02-15)
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Re: Independent Study - Assistance? (Alexander Morou) (2009-02-21)
Re: Independent Study - Assistance? (Chris F Clark) (2009-02-27)
Re: Independent Study - Assistance? (Alexander Morou) (2009-02-28)
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From: Alexander Morou <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 08:41:32 -0600
Organization: Compilers Central
References: <>
Keywords: lex, DFA
Posted-Date: 21 Feb 2009 18:55:36 EST


> . . . truncated . . .
> 2) How to convert an NFA into a DFA. Subset contruction.

I think I might have possibly been able to get a good result out of
the lexer generator; however, I'm by no means an expert at this, so I
figured I'd ask a few of you guys to assist, if that's OK.

I decided that I'd use a very simple alphabet to verify the generator
handles merging cases where overlap occurs, regardless of the '+'s
that might be in play.

(('A'? 'B' 'C')+ | ('A' 'B'? 'D')+ | ('A' 'B' 'C'? 'D'?)+)+ 'A' 'B'?;

Since I prefer code that is readable, as opposed to sets of numbers
that leave me scratching my head, so it emits a simple state machine
for the token. I hope the list maintainer doesn't mind, but here's an
example of output:

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------\
  | This code was generated by AllenCopeland.Abstraction.OIL. |
  | Version: |
  | To ensure the code works properly, |
  | please do not make any changes to the file. |
  | The specific language is C# (Runtime version: v2.0.50727) |
  | Sub-tool Name: AllenCopeland.Abstraction.OIL.CSharpCodeTranslator |
  | Sub-tool Version: |
  \------------------------------------------------------------------- */
using System;

namespace AllenCopeland.Abstraction.Slf.Parsers.Test
        #region AllenCopeland.Abstraction.Slf.Parsers.Test nested types
        // Module: RootModule
        public class TestLexStateMachine
                #region TestLexStateMachine data members.
                private int state;

                private int length;

                private int exitState;

                private int exitlength;
                #endregion // TestLexStateMachine data members.
                #region TestLexStateMachine properties
                public bool IsValidEndState
                                return (this.exitState != 0);

                public int BytesConsumed
                                return this.exitlength;
                #endregion // TestLexStateMachine properties
                #region TestLexStateMachine methods
                public bool Next(char @char)
                        switch (this.state)
                                case 0:
                                        switch (@char)
                                                case 'A':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE1;
                                                case 'B':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE5;
                                case 1:
                                        switch (@char)
                                                case 'B':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE2;
                                                case 'D':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE7;
                                case 2:
                                        switch (@char)
                                                case 'C':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE3;
                                                case 'D':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE4;
                                case 3:
                                        switch (@char)
                                                case 'A':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE9;
                                                case 'B':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE5;
                                                case 'D':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE8;
                                case 4:
                                        switch (@char)
                                                case 'A':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE9;
                                                case 'B':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE5;
                                case 5:
                                        switch (@char)
                                                case 'C':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE6;
                                case 6:
                                        switch (@char)
                                                case 'A':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE9;
                                                case 'B':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE5;
                                case 7:
                                        switch (@char)
                                                case 'A':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE9;
                                                case 'B':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE5;
                                case 8:
                                        switch (@char)
                                                case 'A':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE9;
                                                case 'B':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE5;
                                case 9:
                                        switch (@char)
                                                case 'B':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE10;
                                                case 'D':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE7;
                                case 10:
                                        switch (@char)
                                                case 'C':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE3;
                                                case 'D':
                                                        goto MOVETOSTATE4;
                        return false;
                        this.state = 1;
                        goto COMMON_STATEMOVE;
                        this.state = 2;
                        goto COMMON_STATEMOVE;
                        this.state = 3;
                        goto COMMON_STATEMOVE;
                        this.state = 4;
                        goto COMMON_STATEMOVE;
                        this.state = 5;
                        goto COMMON_STATEMOVE;
                        this.state = 6;
                        goto COMMON_STATEMOVE;
                        this.state = 7;
                        goto COMMON_STATEMOVE;
                        this.state = 8;
                        goto COMMON_STATEMOVE;
                        this.state = 9;
                        this.exitState = 9;
                        goto NOMINAL_EXIT;
                        this.state = 10;
                        this.exitState = 10;
                        goto NOMINAL_EXIT;
                        return true;
                        this.exitlength = ++this.length;
                        return true;

                public void Reset()
                        this.exitlength = 0;
                        this.length = 0;
                        this.exitState = 0;
                        this.state = 0;
                #endregion // TestLexStateMachine methods
        #endregion // AllenCopeland.Abstraction.Slf.Parsers.Test nested types
  /* ----------------------------------------------\
  | This file took 00:00:00.1921559 to generate. |
  | Date generated: 2/21/2009 7:59:48 AM |
  | There were 4 types used by this file |
  | System.Int32, System.Boolean, System.Char, |
  | System.Void |
  | There were 1 assemblies referenced: |
  | mscorlib |
  \---------------------------------------------- */

The only change I made was removing un-necessary breaks in the
switches; I didn't add code-flow analysis to that old code generator
so, it doesn't know when breaks are un-necessary.

I don't have the experience necessary to create a regular expression
that can show the system fault; however, I can say what it is not: It
isn't a regex parser generator, because it doesn't have look-behinds
or look-aheads, and notably by the source above: it doesn't do any
capturing (yet).

I wanted to get the logic right before I worried about 'special
features'. If you notice anything wrong with the above, please let me
know, again I've failed enough times at this to be cautiously

Amusingly the thing I kept screwing up on the previous attempts was
thinking 'one pass'. It wasn't until I realized that I was trying to
get deterministic code out of a non-deterministic setup. So I wrote a
converter which condensed the state sets into a DFA, single-state,
result. Once I realized that, it was much easier. I won't go into
what I did since, if you're reading this: you probably already know.

I think now that I've got it to this point, I can start some
simplistic analysis on the data-sets, based upon the code above, I can
search for cases where the transition (char->state) set are equal to
one another, I can condense the states together into one.

If testing the system that generated the code above is preferable,
please reply, or e-mail me.


-Alexander [Allen C. Copeland Jr.] Morou

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