Re: Generate text, given a regex

Gene <>
Wed, 26 Mar 2008 21:15:45 -0700 (PDT)

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
Generate text, given a regex (Midhat) (2008-03-23)
Re: Generate text, given a regex (2008-03-27)
Re: Generate text, given a regex (Gene) (2008-03-26)
Generate text, given a regex (Domenico Bianculli) (2008-03-27)
Re: Generate text, given a regex (Gene) (2008-04-11)
Re: Generate text, given a regex (Russ Cox) (2008-04-11)
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From: Gene <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 21:15:45 -0700 (PDT)
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 08-03-095
Keywords: lex
Posted-Date: 27 Mar 2008 23:58:53 EDT

On Mar 24, 2:48 am, Midhat <> wrote:
> Hi. I want to generate text based on a given regex. just any text that
> satisifies the regex. Are there any existing tools/libraries to do
> that.
> [The harder question of coming up with strings that satisfy a
> context free grammar has been discussed at length. See for

Wow. I really admire John's memory, having posted on the CFG topic 17
years ago. It would be a simple matter to convert a regex to a
regular grammar. The Common Lisp code in the last article would then
print all the strings given by the regex in increasing order of
[Hey, I have this search engine on the archives, you know. -John]

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