Back end generator alternatives?

"Mr.E" <>
26 Jan 2006 14:20:37 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: "Mr.E" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 26 Jan 2006 14:20:37 -0500
Keywords: code, tools, question, comment
Posted-Date: 26 Jan 2006 14:20:31 EST

Are there good back end generator outside of BEG. I done some research
and have been only able to find a few which are:

Burg, New Jersey Machine-Code Toolkit and some company in France that I
cant recall (possibly PAGODE?).

From my research BEG appears to be a great product but I emailed the
company to find out about their product BEG and Firm. I got no
response to a few emails so I called them in Germany. I was told the
product could be from $10-25k depending upon the level of optimization
I wanted. Based on google searches I found the cost over the years
was anywhere from $250 to $2000. I'd like to use a backend generator
to save myself time and frustration. I want the best but at the same
time I'm not trying to get taken for a ride.

iBurg was used in the LCC compiler seemed like an excellent option. I
love what Fraser & Hanson have done over the years with their
generator but it isnt comercially available.


[The iBurg license approximately says you can use it and use the
result in a commercial product with attribution. If that's not what
you plan to do, write to the authors and see if you can come to
terms. -John]

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