Re: syntax extension, was Why context-free? (Hans Aberg)
27 Nov 2005 00:35:20 -0500

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Re: syntax extension, was Why context-free? (2005-12-08)
Re: syntax extension, was Why context-free? (Robert Figura) (2005-12-15)
Re: syntax extension, was Why context-free? (2005-12-15)
Re: syntax extension, was Why context-free? (2005-12-15)
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From: (Hans Aberg)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 27 Nov 2005 00:35:20 -0500
Organization: Mathematics
References: 05-10-053 05-11-004 05-11-014 05-11-028 05-11-115
Keywords: syntax, design
Posted-Date: 27 Nov 2005 00:35:20 EST

In article 05-11-115, (Henry Spencer)

> >[human-readable theorem-prover output]
> >In addition, I have recently started to use Unicode UTF-8, using correct
> >mathematical symbols instead of ASCII words. This turns out to help up the
> >code a great deal.
> You might also want to have a look at Lamport's paper "How to write a
> long formula" (DEC SRC-119, 1994), possibly still findable at
> <>,
> in which he relates some experience with notations for presenting
> lengthy program-correctness formulas.

I have a vague memory of coming across this paper before. The kind of
constructions suggested here are already use in math in various forms,
used to simplify notation. The reason it does not show up so clearly
in Lamport's context, is that he is only focusing on formulas alone,
whereas I write on a program supporting statements like theorems
grouped into theories as well. Then it turns out that mathematicians
use those structures to simplify formulas, simply by putting
in definitions ahead of the formulas, instead of the "let .. in"
construction that Lamport suggests.

And as for the "if else" construct he discusses, my program is built
up around a semantic type, which right now is quite similar to that of
abstract syntax tree (AST), then called simply "semantic tree". One
difference is that the latter is usually an intermediate in language
translation, whereas in my theory, the former is the primary object.
(Another difference is that one may not use trees; in an alternate
theory, bound variables could for example be represented by arrows to
the heads that bind them. This then has certain advantages and
disadvantages.) Thus, the parser is just an interface for the
translation into the semantic tree, and there is no fixed requirement
of what syntax a parser should handle. This approach is necessary in a
context of pure math, because there is no agreement of what a syntax
should be, and if the mathematician cannot let notions and notation
flow together, the formulas quickly become unreadable. (One should
note that this approach also breaks off from much traditional
metamathematics, which is usually syntactic, not semantic, in its
study of the object mathematical theory.) Then, once one has internal
semantic trees to compute around, there is the opposite problem, the
"expressing" or "pretty-printing", and again, there is no fixed
requirement of what it should be. Right now, I have some hardwired
parsing and expressing that have the effect that the output is a quite
similar, but formatted version, of the input (which unproved
substatements marked down), also giving the chance, at will, to
inspect the found proofs as a form of debugging. This suffices for me
right now, but I am thinking of hooking up some more general parsing
and expressing engines later, and one reason of doing so is that it
will simplify programming, as I then can focus more on the computing
engine. So, if carried out, Lamport's "if else" suggestion can be done
by the one designing an input grammar, and a person which does not
like a grammar used for a particular input, could format the output
into something else.

As for the third suggestion, the numbering of subformulas,
similar constructs are in use in math, namely, in the form of a
theorem with subparts that should be proved separately. In this case,
one sometimes wants to do it, because a more general proof method can
be applied to a sequence of formulas. I am looking to implement such
things as well, which is not difficult, just taking up time, but
important, if one should be able to enter the theories in an efficient
human way.

Otherwise, the comparison between pure mathematics and the structure
of modern computer languages is very interesting. For example, pure
math is definitely declarative, and so is my program. The proof of a
theorem can have subtheorems, which correspond to nested environments
in a computer language. Theorems and other statements are grouped into
theories, and the latter correspond to the modules of a computer
language. For example, a reductio ad absurdum proof in math (which
appears frequently, hidden in various forms), is formally a relation
between two different theories, one with the contradiction one
without. So if one should adhere to strict formality, theories
developed as modules become necessary. And it seems that the lambda
calculus, which corresponds to functional languages, will show up
fairly quickly, needed to trace back statements when these have a
special form.

So, many of the logical structures used in pure mathematics and
computer language design, apparently developed the last couple of
decades wholly independently of each other, use similar underlying
logical superstructures. Perhaps it is due to the human way, perhaps
it is due to cross-feeding; I do not know. It suggests however,
though, that the two, in the future, will flow together more.

    Hans Aberg

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