Re: LALR(1) differences to LR(1)

"SLK Parsers" <>
12 Nov 2005 16:10:54 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: "SLK Parsers" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 12 Nov 2005 16:10:54 -0500
Organization: Parsers Inc.
References: 05-11-001
Keywords: parse
Posted-Date: 12 Nov 2005 16:10:54 EST

The lookahead set consists of the FIRST and FOLLOW sets. These are the
first tokens derivable when the nonterminal does not, or does go to
null, respectively. For LR(k), it is the first k-length token strings.

Put another way, the FOLLOW set is the set of tokens directly
derivable following any occurrence of the subject nonterminal in the
grammar. So if the nonterminal goes to null, the following tokens are
possible lookaheads.

SLK parser generator:

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