Machine language and assembler translators?

"Jatin Bhateja, Noida" <>
21 Jun 2005 14:00:14 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: "Jatin Bhateja, Noida" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 21 Jun 2005 14:00:14 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: translator, question, comment
Posted-Date: 21 Jun 2005 14:00:14 EDT

Hi Sir

My question is that are there any tools available which converts the
machine language of one architecture to other architecture. For
example if we have a got a complier for language say X and the target
language of compiler is say for ARM. Now are there any tools available
which convert or translate the code generated for ARM to some other
architecture say SH.

So basically we will be compiling the source language to get the
target language code for a particular architecture which will then be
translated to other architecture code.

Now my personal view is that all the above work can also be achieved
by using a cross complier but for that we have to make the changes in
the complier backend. Instead of doing that cant we make a tool which
convert the assembly language of one architecture to another
architecture machine language.

Also kindly let me know if there are already any tools available which
are capable of doing the above work (assembly to assemble translation)

Kindly advice..

Thanks and Best Regards
Jatin Bhateja
[Both machine language translators and assembler translators have been
around approximately forever. It's straightforward except for
self-modifying code, and incompatible byte order and data formats.

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