Re: Designing a language for dataflow/parallelism

Randy <>
18 Jun 2005 23:12:05 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: Randy <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 18 Jun 2005 23:12:05 -0400
Organization: Rice University, Houston, TX
References: 05-06-081
Keywords: parallel, dataflow
Posted-Date: 18 Jun 2005 23:12:05 EDT wrote:
> Out of idle curiosity (and for my own education) I'm kicking about the
> idea of designing and implementing a very simple programming language.
> One of the objectives is a "safe" language with good optimisation and
> for that I've decided that there will be no explicit pointers (e.g. as
> Java).
> There's clearly a tradeoff between expressiveness of the language and
> ability to optimise. Googling on "alias analysis" and "automatic
> scoping" gets me somewhere, for example the "why C can't be as fast as
> Fortran" debate, which is educational. However I'm really interested in
> the idea of a new language (or portable assembler, c-- style), so I'm
> looking for references, papers, projects on this sort of problem, more
> comparative analysis of different languages, or even just the right
> keywords to hit google with...

You might also want to check out Sisal, a dataflow parallel functional
language that was intended to be an alternative to the prevailing
imperative serial languages that were extended to support parallelism.
Although Sisal is dead now, it's of interest because the language
differed significantly from the standard fare and because the project
was more than just an academic exercise.

Sisal tutorial:

Sisal "homepage":

Sisal mini-FAQ

SISAL: A Safe and Efficient Language for Numerical Calculations

The Sisal Project: Real World Functional Programming

Evaluating the Performance of a SISAL implementation of the Abingdon
Cross Image Processing Benchmark

The Sisal Model of Functional Programming and its Implementation


Randy Crawford rand AT rice DOT edu

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