Dynamic Typing Efficiency

8 May 2005 17:02:05 -0400

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
Dynamic Typing Efficiency clearm@comcast.net (2005-05-08)
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From: clearm@comcast.net
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 8 May 2005 17:02:05 -0400
Organization: http://groups.google.com
Keywords: types, practice, comment
Posted-Date: 08 May 2005 17:02:05 EDT


I am writing a small, python-like scripting language that uses dynamic
typing. I am also writing a stack-based virtual machine to go with

I have read many papers and posts about improving the efficiency of
VMs - for example by using threaded dispatch instead of switch

The problem I have is that dynamic typing seems to be extremely
inefficient when you have a large number of types. For example, if I
have integers, doubles, strings, booleans, and various compound types,
then an ADD instruction would have to look like this:



        case ADD:

        if (operand1->type == INTEGER && operand2->type == INTEGER)
                value.i = operand1->val.i + operand2->val.i;
                type = INTEGER;
        else if (operand1->type == INTEGER && operand2->type == DOUBLE)
                value.d = (double)operand1->val.i + operand2->val.d;
                type = DOUBLE;
        else if (operand1->type == DOUBLE && operand2->type == INTEGER)
                value.d = operand1->val.d + (double)operand2->val.i;
                type = DOUBLE;
        else if (operand1->type == DOUBLE && operand2->type == DOUBLE)
                value.d = operand1->val.d + operand2->val.i;
                type = DOUBLE;
        else if... blah blah blah


        case SUB: ...



In other words I have to have several if statements for each
combination of types (or perhaps a switch-case). All of these
conditional brances seems rather inefficient (expecially on a 31-stage
pipelined Prescott) but I can't think of another way to do it.

The only way to avoid this that I can think of is to create a
statically typed language. That way I can use instructions like IADD,
DADD, ILOAD, DLOAD, etc, sort of like the JVM. But I don't want a
statically typed language!

How do the "pros" design their dynamically typed virtual machines to
handle this problem? E.g. how does python, parrot, etc. do it?
[If the number of types is reasonably small, like say no more than 16,
I'd make some NxN dispatch tables to help with the type coercion. -John]

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