looking for register VMs

Christian Mueller <cm.abo@aktivanet.de>
30 Jan 2005 13:40:52 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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From: Christian Mueller <cm.abo@aktivanet.de>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 30 Jan 2005 13:40:52 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: VM, question
Posted-Date: 30 Jan 2005 13:40:52 EST
Content-Disposition: inline


As I am going to design a small virtual machine I am currently
investigating some virtual machine architectures. I am especially
interested in register based machines and therefore already looked at
Lua and Parrot. Are there other examples of well designed register
VMs? Is there any attempt to map some virtual registers to hardware

I have to compile from SSA intermediate representation which already
contains some liveness information. I suppose that compiling into
register based bytecode is therefore not that difficult. Is that
correct? (I am interested in fast compilation). If not, is there any
article or report that describes the translation of SSA form to stack
based code? Thanks very much!

Best regards,

[You might also want to ask the virtmach list that I spun off from
compilers. To join, send a message containing "subscribe virtmach"
to majordomo@lists.iecc.com. -John]

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