Summer School on Garbage Collection & Memory Management

Richard Jones <>
29 Apr 2004 12:02:13 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Summer School on Garbage Collection & Memory Management (Richard Jones) (2004-04-29)
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From: Richard Jones <>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.c,comp.lang.c++,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.prolog,comp.lang.scheme,comp.lang.python,comp.lang.functional,comp.compilers,comp.lang.smalltalk
Date: 29 Apr 2004 12:02:13 -0400
Organization: University of Kent at Canterbury, UK.
Keywords: courses, GC
Posted-Date: 29 Apr 2004 12:02:13 EDT

Garbage Collection & Memory Management
Summer School
20-21 July 2004, Canterbury, UK

The performance of today's memory-hungry applications depends on
efficient dynamic memory management, whether managed explicitly through
new/delete or automatically by a garbage collector. With the increasing
use of managed code, whether Java Virtual Machines or Microsoft's
Common Language Runtime, the economic importance of automatic memory
management has never been greater.

The Summer Schoool provides participants with an opportunity to hear
leading practitioners from both industry and universities. The school
is directed at postgraduate research students, academics who wish to
get involved in this field and industrial researchers and developers
who want to apply state of the art memory management techniques to real
problems. The presenters include

David Bacon (IBM TJ Watson Research Center),
Emery Berger (U. Massachusetts),
Robert Berry (IBM Hursley),
Hans Boehm (HP),
Dave Detlefs (Sun Microsystems),
Rick Hudson (Intel),
Richard Jones (U. Kent, Canterbury),
Eliot Moss (U. Massachusetts).

The registration fee for the 2 day Summer School is 130 GBP (free of
VAT) and includes all workshop materials, lunches and refreshments,
and the Summer School Dinner on 20th July. Bed and breakfast
accommodation is also available in en-suite accommodation on campus
at a rate of 30 GBP per night.

For more details, see
or mail

The Summer School is organised by the UK Memory Management Network
( We are grrateful for the kind support of
the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Richard Jones

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