Compiler positions available for week ending April 18 (comp.compilers)
21 Apr 2004 00:49:37 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: (comp.compilers)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 21 Apr 2004 00:49:37 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: jobs
Posted-Date: 21 Apr 2004 00:49:37 EDT

This is a digest of ``help wanted'' and ``position available'' messages
received at comp.compilers during the preceding week. Messages must
advertise a position having something to do with compilers and must also
conform to the guidelines periodically posted in
Positions that remain open may be re-advertised once a month. To respond
to a job offer, send mail to the author of the message. To submit a
message, mail it to


From: "James @ IC Resources" <>
Subject: Compiler tool jobs at a startup (London UK)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 14:15:12 +0100

"Software Tool Developers - UK start-up opportunity

Our client is a groundbreaking pre-IPO semiconductor company developing
parallel processing solutions for high compute and high bandwidth
applications. They can offer the dynamic feel of a start-up organisation
but with several years R&D already invested into the company they are
developing significant market traction.

Compilers, assemblers, linkers, debuggers, profilers and drivers for
multiple platforms; an opportunity to become part of a world class team
developing innovative and efficient tools for the company's configurable,
scalable and cutting edge architecture. A unique chance to work as part of
a team defining and delivering break through products for data intense

Please call IC Resources on 0208 400 2444 or email"

Many Thanks

James Galloway

IC Resources

T +44 (0)208 400 2444
F +44 (0)208 560 1159

the semiconductor specialists


Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 20:15:21 -0700
From: Pragmatic C Software <>
Subject: Research intern job (Minneapolis)

Internship: Computer Science Research Intern

Description: Compiler writing position available for a computer science
                          student. Small computer software company needs summer intern
                          to work on our Verilog hardware description language (HDL)
                          simulator and on various cryptography area projects. Knowledge
                          of compiler writing, discrete mathematics and differential
                          equations required. Knowledge of C, Assembly, and data
                          structures also required.

Please email resume in text, pdf, or ps format to

Location: Downtown Minneapolis
Education: Completed College Junior Year
Job Status: Full Time
Period Of Employment: Summer
Pay rate: $16/Hr

Contact Information:
                          Steve Meyer
                          Pragmatic C Software Corp.
                          520 Marquette Ave. Suite 900
                          Minneapolis, MN 55402
                          Phone: (612) 371-2023
                          Fax: (612) 349-5230

Steve Meyer Phone: (612) 371-2023
Pragmatic C Software Corp. email:
520 Marquette Ave. So., Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402

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