Re: Basic-Like PCODE Compiler and Virtual Host/Interpreter

Lex Spoon <>
21 Apr 2004 00:46:13 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: Lex Spoon <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 21 Apr 2004 00:46:13 -0400
Organization: Georgia Institute of Technology
References: 04-04-041
Keywords: interpreter
Posted-Date: 21 Apr 2004 00:46:13 EDT (JA Peele) writes:
> I need to embed a BASIC-like BYTECODE/PCODE host engine in my
> application framework so customers can write simple BASIC-like scripts
> to customize the application.

Does it have to be BASIC-like ? Tcl and Scheme should work well for
this scenario, and I'm sure other posters can suggest get scripting
languages to look into.

On the whole, it would be a huge time savings if you can reuse an
existing language, possibly with some custom modifications.
Developing a language is highly error prone to begin with, and writing
interpreters and compilers from scratch tends to take far longer than
people expect.

> What I am expecting to do is have the customer save the above in a
> file, for example called test.bas. The customer would have a tool
> that does syntax, compiler analysis on the code and would notify them
> of where syntax errors exist in the code. If all the syntatical
> checks pass, the contents of the source file are then stored in a
> bytecode/pcode type file like test.pbc.

If your users are not good programmers, then this sounds like a lot of
computer expertise is being required. Have you put any thought into
having dialogs in the application ot help with the program entry?


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