Re: Use the stack less :)

Dietmar Schindler <>
21 Apr 2004 00:46:01 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Re: Use the stack less :) (Dietmar Schindler) (2004-04-21)
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From: Dietmar Schindler <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 21 Apr 2004 00:46:01 -0400
Organization: MAN Roland
References: 04-04-052
Keywords: architecture, performance
Posted-Date: 21 Apr 2004 00:46:01 EDT

Ark? wrote:
> This is much better, and comes close to the efficiency of a separate,
> downward stack (held in EBP, possibly). However, the separate stack
> approach has the upper hand if the most recent local gets accessed
> alot - no offsets make the instruction both smaller and faster :)

I think this is not necessarily true in the presence of caching and
burst accesses.

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