EBNF character / numeral statement

"Christian Bode" <kubopic@gmx.de>
14 Apr 2004 00:28:44 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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EBNF character / numeral statement kubopic@gmx.de (Christian Bode) (2004-04-14)
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From: "Christian Bode" <kubopic@gmx.de>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 14 Apr 2004 00:28:44 -0400
Organization: T-Online
Keywords: parse, question
Posted-Date: 14 Apr 2004 00:28:44 EDT


I hope you can help me. I try to explain my problem.

I also working on a interpreter which use the EBNF grammar. But there are
some points I don't understand. Please take a look at this page:


It's only a German page, so please look at the G = (T, N, S, R) description.

Is the R assignment correct over all ? Why is the Buchstabe (character) and
Ziffer (numeral) quoted ? They aren't terminal symbols. And also where they
are fixed ?

Is a character and numeral a special Keyword which standing for "A".."Z" &&
"a".."z" and "0".."1".

thx and best regards from


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