Display a parse tree with minimum parentheses?

John Millaway <johnmillaway@yahoo.com>
14 Apr 2004 00:27:58 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: John Millaway <johnmillaway@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 14 Apr 2004 00:27:58 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: parse, question, comment
Posted-Date: 14 Apr 2004 00:27:58 EDT

Given a parse tree representing a typical boolean expression, where the
grouping is implicit in the tree structure, is there an algorithm to print
the equivalent unambiguous infix expression with the minimum parentheses
(preserving left-to-right order)?

For example, the parse tree for the expression, "a or b and c," would be
naively printed as "(a or (b and c))," although no parentheses are required,
assuming that the `and' operator has higher precedence than the `or'

My best guess is that the the left subtree requires parentheses if the
precedence of the right-most unparenthesized operator in that subtree is less
than or equal to the precedence of the current operator, and similarly for
the right subtree.

Thanks, -John M
[This is a very familiar question, and I think your idea about adding
parens when there's a precedence drop is the right one. -John]

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