Foclasa: Last Call for Papers (London, Aug 04)

Jean-Marie JACQUET <>
14 Apr 2004 00:25:39 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Foclasa: Last Call for Papers (London, Aug 04) (Jean-Marie JACQUET) (2004-04-14)
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From: Jean-Marie JACQUET <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 14 Apr 2004 00:25:39 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: conference, CFP
Posted-Date: 14 Apr 2004 00:25:39 EDT


                                            3nd International Workshop on
                                    Foundations of Coordination Languages and
                                                    Software Architectures
                                                            (Foclasa 2004)

                                  August 30, 2004, London, United Kingdom
          Workshop affiliated to CONCUR'2004, August 30 - September 3 2004.



        Modern information systems rely more and more on combining
        concurrent, distributed, mobile and heterogenous components. This
        move from old systems, typically conceived in isolation, induces
        the need for new languages and software architectures. In
        particular, coordination languages have been proposed to cleanly
        separate computational aspects and communication. On the other
        hand, software architects face the problem of specifying and
        reasoning on non-functional requirements. All these issues are
        widely perceived as fundamental to improve software productivity,
        enhance maintainability, advocate modularity, promote reusability,
        and lead to systems more tractable and more amenable to
        verification and global analysis.

        The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working
        on the foundations of component-based computing, coordination, and
        software architectures. Topics of interest include (but are not
        limited to):

        o Theoretical models for coordination (component composition,
              concurrency, dynamic aspects of coordination, semantics,
        o Specification, refinement, and analysis of software archi-
              tectures (patterns and styles, verification of functional and
              non-functional properties);
        o Coordination, architectural, and interface description languages
              (implementation, interoperability, heterogeneity);
        o Agent-oriented languages (formal models for interacting agents);
        o Dynamic software architectures (mobile agents, configuration,
        o Modeling of information systems (groupware, internet and
              the web, workflow management, CSCW and multimedia applications)
        o Coordination patterns (mobile computing, internet computing);
        o Tools and environments for the development of coordinated
        o Methodologies for validating and certifying software compositions


      Papers describing original work are solicited as contributions to
      Foclasa. Submitted papers should be limited to 6 000 words,
      preferrably formatted according to the Electronical Notes in
      Theoretical Computer Science.

      They should be emailed as PostScript (PS) or Portable Document
      Format (PDF) files to


      Following the previous edition, the proceedings will be published
      as a volume of the Electronical Notes in Theoretical Computer


            o June 5, 2004: Submission deadline.
            o July 15, 2004: Notification of acceptance.
            o August 15, 2004: Final version.
            o August 30, 2004: Meeting Date.


      The workshop will be held in London in August 30 2004. It is a
      satellite workshop of CONCUR 2004. For venue and registration, see
      the CONCUR web page at


            o Antonio Brogi (University of Pisa, Italy)
            o Jean-Marie Jacquet (University of Namur, Belgium)
            o Ernesto Pimentel (University of Malaga, Spain)


            o Farhad Arbab (CWI, The Netherlands)
            o Antonio Brogi (University of Pisa, Italy) - Co-chair
            o Manfred Broy (University of Munich, Germany)
            o Jean-Marie Jacquet (University of Namur, Belgium) - Co-chair
            o Joost Kok (University of Leiden, The Netherlands)
            o Antonia Lopes (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
            o Ronaldo Menezes (Florida Institute of Technology, USA)
            o Ernesto Pimentel (University of Malaga, Spain) - Co-chair
            o Sebastian Uchitel (Imperial College, United Kingdom)
            o Mirko Viroli (University of Bologna, Italy)
            o Jan Vitek (Purdue University, USA)

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