Re: Lex and Yacc Newbie Questions!!! (Toby Thain)
4 Apr 2004 15:46:27 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Lex and Yacc Newbie Questions!!! (2004-03-26)
Re: Lex and Yacc Newbie Questions!!! (2004-04-04)
Re: Lex and Yacc Newbie Questions!!! (Tim Bauer) (2004-04-14)
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From: (Toby Thain)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 4 Apr 2004 15:46:27 -0400
References: 04-03-092
Keywords: lex, yacc
Posted-Date: 04 Apr 2004 15:46:27 EDT (Hari Sriniv) wrote
> I have some rudimentary question with the Lex and Yacc. I have been
> developing an assembler for the in house processsor. I have assembled
> the normal instructions pretty easily using the lex and Yacc. I have
> some challenges for the branch instructions. I have also made some
> progress in it and also know how to approach it. But I am a little bit
> confused as how to do it in Lex and Yacc. What I have in mind is to
> make 2 passes.
> ...

For what it's worth, my 2-pass assembler for PDP-8 and DG Nova uses
lex and yacc. The first pass defines the labels and the second pass
(re-reading the input file) produces the object code. In case it helps
you, GPL source is available at


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