Compiler positions available for week ending April 4 (comp.compilers)
4 Apr 2004 15:46:01 -0400

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From: (comp.compilers)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 4 Apr 2004 15:46:01 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: jobs
Posted-Date: 04 Apr 2004 15:46:01 EDT

This is a digest of ``help wanted'' and ``position available'' messages
received at comp.compilers during the preceding week. Messages must
advertise a position having something to do with compilers and must also
conform to the guidelines periodically posted in
Positions that remain open may be re-advertised once a month. To respond
to a job offer, send mail to the author of the message. To submit a
message, mail it to


Subject: Compiler job at Reasoning, Inc (Mountain View CA)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 07:57:52 -0800
From: "Valerie Wagner" <>

Job Description
Senior Staff Engineer

You will contribute to the design and implementation of Eject,
Reasoning's proprietary, state-of-the-art source code analysis system.
You will use your formal knowledge and awareness of current research
in automata theory, theorem and program proving, semantic analysis,
compiler and algorithm design to specify, design, and implement a
sophisticated source code static analyzer for Java, and other
imperative programming languages. You will use your experience of
real-world programming mistakes to suggest additional inspection
classes to offer to customers and how they could be realized.

You will use your implementation knowledge of Java, C, and C++ to
create a production-quality implementation. You will be expected to
work cooperatively in a team environment with other senior engineers
to design, implement, and test the analyzer. You will also work
closely with other engineers and operations analysts to deploy the
analyzer and insure that it works as intended in production. You will
work closely with product management to help productize our analysis
engine for end-users. You will follow solid engineering procedures to
insure the code produced is well-structured, well-documented, easy for
others on the team to understand and maintain, and free from defects.

You will use your strong communication skills to create papers and
presentations for technical conferences and customer meetings. You may
be asked to mentor junior engineers, train operations staff in
inspection procedures or work with end-users

The position is based in Mt. View, CA. Occasional travel, primarily
within North America, may be necessary.


* Determine inspection classes of greatest interest to customers

* Develop algorithms to cost-effectively analyze large (> 1MM source
lines) programs that detect a high proportion of
statically-determinable defects, without generating many false
positives (ideally, false positives should be < 20% of all defects

* Analyze current inspection processes, suggest, and provide
additional information from the analyzer that makes understanding the
root cause of a defect fast (< 6 minutes) by staff with only modest
technical skill (recent BSCS grads).

* Work with product management to productize our static analysis
engine for sale as a stand-alone tool and as a plug-in to an IDE.

* Review and suggest architectural improvements while applying
knowledge of constraints of limited time and resources

* Produce high-quality, well-documented, easy-to-maintain

* Track current research in technologies relevant to the company's
business, and technical trends that would affect customer
attractiveness for Reasoning's service.


* Minimum 10 years experience programming experience

* Minimum of 5 years implementing language translators and analysis

* Experience in multi-person teams building large (> 100 KLOC) systems
using procedural languages

* Experience building compilers or other source-code based semantic
analyzers for procedural languages such as would be necessary to write
a compiler for any of these languages

* Demonstrated ability to specify and design complex systems

* Knowledge of current research in program analysis, theorem proving,
static analysis and related research areas

* Excellent written and oral communication skills

* Good time management skills

BSCS; MSCS or PhD. CS strongly preferred

Please send resume in word format to

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