Compiler positions available for week ending March 28 (comp.compilers)
3 Apr 2004 09:09:23 -0500

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Compiler positions available for week ending March 28 (2004-04-03)
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From: (comp.compilers)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 3 Apr 2004 09:09:23 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: jobs
Posted-Date: 03 Apr 2004 09:09:23 EST

This is a digest of ``help wanted'' and ``position available'' messages
received at comp.compilers during the preceding week. Messages must
advertise a position having something to do with compilers and must also
conform to the guidelines periodically posted in
Positions that remain open may be re-advertised once a month. To respond
to a job offer, send mail to the author of the message. To submit a
message, mail it to


Subject: Microsoft - Compiler Opportunities
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 11:45:29 -0800
From: "Lisa Martin" <>

Group Program Manager - Common Language Runtime

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is at the core of Microsoft's
"bet-the-company" .NET strategy. You can't run Indigo Web Services,
Windows Longhorn, Yukon SQL Server/WinFS, or VS.Net without the "kernel"
at the heart of this system. The CLR owns core technology like the Base
Class Libraries, Security, JIT compilation, COM interop, 64-bit, Garbage
Collection, Debugging, Profiling, Academic Outreach, and a host of other
important technology. Our primary customers are developers, both
internal and external. The CLR and .NET Framework has made a huge
splash and is gaining critical ground, but we have so much more to do.
We are in search of a top notch Group Program Manager for this critical
team, which is comprised of 20 talented, highly technical, and motivated
program managers. Given the size and scope of the team, applicants
should have experience leading other leads and delegating effectively.
Excellent cross group skills are a must. Our technology is central to
numerous key efforts, and as such experience communicating and
presenting to senior executives is a big plus. Experience writing code
on the platform is a requirement. Further job requirements include a
minimum of 7 years of shipping commercial software and at least 3 years
of people and project experience. A BS degree in computer science or
related engineering discipline is required. Being a compiler or systems
geek is helpful!

> For immediate consideration, please forward a current resume/CV to:

Lisa Martin
Senior Technical Recruiter
Developer Division Recruiting
(425) 703-7944


Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 22:08:24 +0100
From: "Prof Dr U. Naumann" <>
Subject: Research/teaching position at Aachen University of Technology (RWTH)
Organization: Aachen University of Technology (RWTH)

We invite candidates to apply for a research and teaching associate
position. Expertise in compiler construction and algorithm development
and implementation in C++ is required. Experience working with large,
object-oriented software projects is highly desired as is prior
knowledge in automatic differentiation, combinatorics, and graph

The successful candidate will pursue research in semantic
modifications of numerical algorithms, with an emphasis on automatic
differentiation as a source-to-source transformation. The position
requires extensive interaction with colleagues at Aachen University
and at collaborating institutions, especially Argonne National
Laboratory, MIT, Rice University (USA), and NAG ltd. (UK).

Applicants must have and M.Sc. or Ph.D. in computer science or applied
mathematics. The appointment is available starting in August 2004 and
is a two-year term (renewable). There is the opportunity to work on a

Aachen is located in Germany near the border with Holland and
Belgium. Aachen University ( is one of the premier
universities in Germany. It is characterized by its strength in
science and engineering research and education. Every year numerous
international students and scientists come to the Aachen to study and
research at an internationally recognized high level.

Interested candidates should submit a resume by e-mail to
Dr. Uwe Naumann ( Also include
the names and addresses of three references. Refer to for further information.

Aachen University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 22:09:48 +0100
From: "Prof Dr U. Naumann" <>
Subject: Research associate position at Aachen University of Technology (RWTH)
Organization: Aachen University of Technology (RWTH)

We invite candidates to apply for a research associate position in the
"Compiler-based Automatic Differentiation" (CompAD) project. Expertise
in compiler construction and algorithm development and implementation
in C and Fortran is required. Experience in working with large
software projects is highly desired.

The successful candidate will become part of a team consisting
of computer scientists at Aachen University, University of
Hertfordshire, Hatfield, and the Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.
(NAG), Oxford, UK. The work is focussed on the development and
implementation of algorithms for automatic differentiation and
the associated data flow analyses inside the NAGWare Fortran 95
compiler. Financial support is provided by Aachen University and
the University of Hertfordshire.

Applicants must have a degree in computer science or applied
mathematics. The appointment is available starting in August 2004
and is a two-year term (renewable). There is the opportunity to
work toward a Ph.D.

Aachen is located in Germany near the border with Holland and
Belgium. Aachen University ( is one of the
premier universities in Germany. It is characterized by its
strength in science and engineering research and education.
Every year numerous international students and scientists come
to the Aachen to study and research at an internationally
recognized high level.

Interested candidates should submit a resume by e-mail to
Dr. Uwe Naumann ( Also include
the names and addresses of three references. For additional
technical information, refer to

Aachen University and the University of Hertfordshire are
Equal Opportunity Employers.

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