Re: virtual functions and optimization at compile time

Alex Colvin <>
3 Dec 2003 20:32:04 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Re: virtual functions and optimization at compile time (2003-12-03)
Re: virtual functions and optimization at compile time (Alex Colvin) (2003-12-03)
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From: Alex Colvin <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 3 Dec 2003 20:32:04 -0500
Organization: The World : : Since 1989
References: 03-11-076
Keywords: OOP, optimize
Posted-Date: 03 Dec 2003 20:32:04 EST

>Virtual Functions Are Supposed To Be Optimized Bcoz They R Supposedly
>Resolved At Run-Time. How Can Virtual Functions Be Resolved At

>[By flow analysis that determines that it'll always call the same
>function, I suppose. -John]

A common optimization (at least in cfront) is when the object's class
is known becaause its declaration is visible. For example,

class C { virtual f(); };
C a;

the class of a is known to be (C), so the implementation of f is C::f
Doesn't even require flow analysis.

mac the naïf

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