Re: Book suggestion?

Randy Crawford <>
2 Nov 2003 14:49:46 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Book suggestion? (2003-10-31)
Re: Book suggestion? (Randy Crawford) (2003-11-02)
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From: Randy Crawford <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 2 Nov 2003 14:49:46 -0500
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
References: 03-10-151
Keywords: books
Posted-Date: 02 Nov 2003 14:49:46 EST

I can recommend "Compilers: Principles, Techniques And Tools" because
it covers all aspects, it's the most complete text I've seen on
parsing, and it should be widely available used. Its treatment of
optimization is dated, since architectures have changed significantly
since it was written in 1985. But with Morgan's "Building an
Optimizing Compiler", IMHO, they make a nice pair.

If you want a book that "covers all aspects", you don't want "Advanced
Compiler Design And Implementation". Its focus is almost entirely on
optimization and code generation.

I can't speak knowledgably about the other two books -- I've only
flipped through them. But from what I've seen, I prefer "Compilers:
Principles, Techniques And Tools".

One book that may merit consideration is a new book from Linda Torczon
and Keith Cooper called "Engineering a Compiler". I've not seen it
yet. Just call me optimistic.


Gabriele Farina wrote:
> I'd like you to suggest me one of these books:
> - Modern Compiler Implementation In C
> - Advanced Compiler Design And Implementation
> - Compilers: Principles, Techniques And Tools
> - Modern Compiler Design

Randy Crawford

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