Re: Stack, register, message based or hybrid for virtual machine? (Anton Ertl)
21 Feb 2003 00:54:26 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Stack, register, message based or hybrid for virtual machine? (Vis Mike) (2003-02-11)
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From: (Anton Ertl)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 21 Feb 2003 00:54:26 -0500
Organization: Institut fuer Computersprachen, Technische Universitaet Wien
References: 03-02-053 03-02-068
Keywords: architecture, design
Posted-Date: 21 Feb 2003 00:54:26 EST

Ulrich Hobelmann <> writes:
>Vis Mike wrote:
>> I was thinking of some kind of hybrid. Anybody have any thoughts?
>> I'll post the complete code if interested, just wanted to brush on the
>> subject first.
>Just add those registers you need for certain things, use the stack
>for everything else.

The typical hybrid for an Algol-style language is to have the stack
for values within expressions, and have directly accessible locals for
local variables; there are some implicit registers around (e.g., VM
instruction pointer, stack pointer). E.g., the JavaVM takes this
approach. Allocating locals on a non-indexable stack is hard (at
least if you are interested in efficiency).

- anton
M. Anton Ertl

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