Re: PDF grammar and PostScript grammar

David Z Maze <>
6 Feb 2002 23:31:13 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Re: PDF grammar and PostScript grammar (David Z Maze) (2002-02-06)
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Re: PDF grammar and PostScript grammar (2002-02-28)
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From: David Z Maze <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 6 Feb 2002 23:31:13 -0500
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
References: 02-01-171
Keywords: parse
Posted-Date: 06 Feb 2002 23:31:13 EST writes:
> I search PDF grammar and PostScript grammar.

I can't really speak to PDF, but PostScript isn't really something
that you can write a useful parser for. The language is stack-based,
and IIRC it's possible to rebind the pre-defined functions. So to
draw a one-inch line near the bottom of the page, you might do

    72 72 moveto
    72 0 rlineto

But it would be entirely equivalent to do

    72 dup dup moveto 0 rlineto stroke

In the interest of producing "smaller" code, it seems fairly common to
define aliases for the basic keywords, to:

    /M { moveto } def
    /RL { rlineto } def
    72 72 M 72 0 RL stroke

It would make sense to write a PostScript scanner, which could emit
quoted-name, name, string, and number tokens. But you're not really
going to be able to write a grammar without essentially implementing a
full PostScript interpreter.

If you want to pursue this further, you might look at a free
PostScript interpreter; the predominant one seems to be Ghostscript
( Older releases of Ghostscript are
available under the GPL; the current release is available under a
different license that forbids commercial redistribution.

David Maze

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