Re: Retargetable compilers book (Clint Olsen)
29 Nov 2001 22:53:26 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Retargetable compilers book (Rainer Leupers) (2001-11-26)
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From: (Clint Olsen)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 29 Nov 2001 22:53:26 -0500
References: 01-11-119
Keywords: administrivia, books
Posted-Date: 29 Nov 2001 22:53:26 EST

Indeed. No offense to the original author, but in academic circles, the Kluwer
pricing structure is nothing short of insane.


> [Sounds like a swell book, but it's rather pricey, $105.00 for a 188
> page book. -John]
[Lest there be any question, I have no argument with the author,
either, other than to suggest that he'd get a wider audience for his
books if he found a publisher that prices more reasonably. -John]

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