CFP: Coordination and Component-Oriented Computing (Languages, Models and Systems): PDPTA'02

Ronaldo Menezes <>
26 Nov 2001 22:02:53 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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CFP: Coordination and Component-Oriented Computing (Languages, Model (Ronaldo Menezes) (2001-11-26)
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From: Ronaldo Menezes <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 26 Nov 2001 22:02:53 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: conference, CFP
Posted-Date: 26 Nov 2001 22:02:53 EST

                                                      CALL FOR PAPERS
                          Coordination and Component-Oriented Computing
                                          (Languages, Models, Systems)

                                                  a special session of

                                                    June 24 - 27, 2002
                            Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

            Feb. 22, 2002 (Friday): Draft papers (about 5 pages) due
            March 21, 2002 (Thursday): Notification of acceptance
            April 22, 2002 (Monday): Camera-Ready papers & Prereg. due
            June 24-27, 2002: PDPTA'02 International Conference


Component-based software is likely to be the most promising approach
to making distributed systems and Internet applications fit the
requirements of the new information-based work organization.
Component-based software encompasses many disciplines and application
domains, such as groupware, distributed object-oriented software
development, middleware, multimedia, CSCW, and distributed simulation.
The focus of this session is on component-based in special
coordination issues that arise in these systems. Models, languages,
and applications for both architectural and behavioral aspects of
systems are of special concern.

The purpose of this session is to bring together researchers and
practitioners working on component-based computing and coordination in
the diverse disciplines this field encompasses. The session serves as
a forum to enable exchange of experience between academia and
industry, as well as between researchers working on different aspects
of coordination and component-based computing.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

      * In Coordination:
                o group communication and inter-agents cooperation protocols.
                o Theoretical aspects and foundations for coordination:
                    semantics, verification, component composition, dynamic
                    aspects of coordination.
                o Functional and non-functional properties of coordination.
                o Formal and semi-formal techniques for coordination
                    description and analysis.
                o Modeling of Information Systems (Groupware, Internet and
                    the Web, workflow management, CSCW and multimedia
                o Coordination, architectural, and interface definition
                    languages: implementation, interoperability, heterogeneity.
                o Agent-oriented languages: formal models for interacting
                o Coordination Patterns (Mobile Computing, Internet
                o Tools and environments for the development of coordinated
                    applications: integration within the development process.
                o Dynamic architecture management for multi-component
                o Industrial relevance of coordination and software
                    architectures: programming in the large, domain-specific
                    software architectures and coordination models, case
                    studies, performance.

      * In Component-based computing:
                o design methods for component frameworks
                o interoperation among component frameworks (coordination)
                o functional and non-functional properties
                    that can or that cannot be established by a component system
                    architecture based on (tiered) component frameworks
                o use of selected component frameworks to reduce the set of
                    possible components in a market setting
                o component-oriented systems
                o domain-specific standards for component interoperability
                o dynamic changes in the configuration (set of components
                    in a system): how can components be added, replaced and
                    removed and how can other components reconfigure themselves
                    to cope with this
                o adaptation of components and composition of frameworks
                o programming language support for COC and component frameworks
                    in particular
                o performance/efficiency of component-oriented implementations
                    and effects of component frameworks introducing a level of
                o impact of businesses on components and vice versa, packaging
                    and distribution of components and component frameworks
                o criticism of the suggested component framework approach


Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft paper (5 pages)
to one of the session chairs (addresses below) by the due date.
Electronic submissions are encouraged. Please send file in PDF or
PostScript format. The length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted)
will be limited to 7 pages. Papers must not have been previously
published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

The first page of the draft paper should include: title of the paper,
name, affiliation, postal address, E-mail address, telephone number,
and Fax number for each author. The first page should also include the
name of the author who will be presenting the paper (if accepted) and
a maximum of 5 keywords.

Submissions should explicitly state their contribution and their
relevance to the themes of the session. Other criteria for selection
will be originality, significance, correctness, and clarity.

All accepted papers are expected to be presented at the conference.


Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and
soundness. Each paper will be refereed by at least three researchers
in the topical area. The Camera-Ready papers will be reviewed by a
reviewer to ensure expected quality and compliance with the reviewers


The conference proceedings will be published by CSREA Press (ISBN). It
will be a multi-volume set. The proceedings will be available at the
conference. Some accepted papers will also be considered for journal
publication (soon after the conference).


Farhad ARBAB
Kruislaan 413
1098 SJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-20-592-4056
Fax: +31-20-592-4199

Florida Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Sciences
150 West University Blvd
Melbourne, FL 32901
Phone: +1 321 6747623
Fax : +1 321 6747046

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