Re: loop optimizations on c programs (Nick Maclaren)
26 Nov 2001 21:55:55 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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loop optimizations on c programs (newsreader_at_gt) (2001-11-25)
Re: loop optimizations on c programs (2001-11-26)
Re: loop optimizations on c programs (2001-11-29)
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From: (Nick Maclaren)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 26 Nov 2001 21:55:55 -0500
Organization: University of Cambridge, England
References: 01-11-114
Keywords: C, optimize
Posted-Date: 26 Nov 2001 21:55:55 EST

newsreader_at_gt <> wrote:
>Has Anyone Tried To Implement Loop Optimizations
>In The C Source Program ( Source To Source Transformations) ?
>If yes , wat r the issues encountered and wat is the approach ?

1: Aliasing, where C is not the language you want to start with. If
you think that you understand this, you haven't exen started to get to
grips with the issues. Seriously.

2: The syntactic and semantic complexity of the loop constructions,
which means that you HAVE to rely on heuristics as to what actual
programmes write and not what the language allows them to.

Nick Maclaren,
University of Cambridge Computing Service,
New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QG, England.
Tel.: +44 1223 334761 Fax: +44 1223 334679

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