Speedup of Global vs. Local Register Allocation?

Joel Jones <jones@cs.ua.edu>
17 Nov 2001 00:39:21 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Speedup of Global vs. Local Register Allocation? jones@cs.ua.edu (Joel Jones) (2001-11-17)
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From: Joel Jones <jones@cs.ua.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 17 Nov 2001 00:39:21 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: registers, optimize, question
Posted-Date: 17 Nov 2001 00:39:21 EST

I have recently implemented a graph-coloring register allocator for
Java .class files and I am trying to analyze the effectiveness of my
work. I have benchmarks where I have gathered the total run time
using a local register allocator and using my global register
allocator. I'm not sure exactly what kind of performance speedups I
was expecting, but they weren't as pronounced as I would have hoped.
I have tried to find references comparing local vs. global register
allocators, but almost everything I have found discusses the number of
load/stores removed. A few mentioned the percentage reduction in
cycle times, but most of these were from an era where
instruction-level parallelism didn't exist, so I'm not sure if the
cycle reduction numbers mean anything. Have there been any recent
comparisons of local vs. global register allocators?

Joel Jones
University of Alabama

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