Re: compilers storing code outside hierarchical filesystems?

Thomas Maslen <>
14 Nov 2001 23:13:26 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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compilers storing code outside hierarchical filesystems? (Basile STARYNKEVITCH) (2001-11-05)
Re: compilers storing code outside hierarchical filesystems? (Thomas Maslen) (2001-11-14)
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From: Thomas Maslen <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 14 Nov 2001 23:13:26 -0500
Organization: Distributed Systems Technology CRC
References: 01-11-024
Keywords: code
Posted-Date: 14 Nov 2001 23:13:26 EST

Basile STARYNKEVITCH <> writes:
>I heard about some IBM Java? or C++? compiler which stored source code
>in some kind of RDBMS

Sounds like "VisualAge for Java" from OTI (an IBM company). See

>Conceptually this means that the compiler is
>integrated in a IDE, or at least an editor, which stores code in the
>RDBMS and notify the compiler. This permit smart recompilation (of
>only changed functions) - at a finer grain than usual make+compiler
>I would be specially interested by an opensource implementation
>running on Linux (but this probably does not exist, I would have found
>it already).

This might be your lucky week... the OTI folks have been busy writing
a successor to VisualAge called "Eclipse". The primary platforms are
x86/Windows and x86/Linux, and last week they put out a press release
stating that it is now open-source. See

Now for the fine print: one of the differences between VisualAge and
Eclipse is that Eclipse stores source code in normal files and directories
the way God intended, rather than in one of them thar dangerous repository
contraptions (who, me, opinionated?). However, if I understand correctly,
it still builds a reasonably fine-grain representation of the code,
including a dependency graph that lets it do smart recompilation.
Have a look and see whether it meets your criteria.

I suspect that property isn't peculiar to Eclipse -- my guess is that
other systems, e.g. NetBeans/Forte ( may do likewise.

Thomas Maslen

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