SPITBOL 360 Now Available Under GPL

Bob Goldberg <gman_bob@yahoo.com>
14 Nov 2001 23:11:12 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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SPITBOL 360 Now Available Under GPL gman_bob@yahoo.com (Bob Goldberg) (2001-11-14)
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From: Bob Goldberg <gman_bob@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 14 Nov 2001 23:11:12 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: available, snobol
Posted-Date: 14 Nov 2001 23:11:11 EST

What is SPITBOL 360?

SPITBOL 360 is an implementation of the SNOBOL4 programming language
for use on IBM 360 compatible computers. SPITBOL 360 was the first
true compiler for SNOBOL4 and is an incredibly clever work of assembly

SPITBOL 360 was originally distributed under license, for a fee, from
1971 until 1984 when it was superseded by SPITBOL 370.

Effective November 2001, SPITBOL 360 will be distributed under the
General Public License (GPL), for NO fee.

Why re-release a 30 year old compiler?

Here are three good reasons:

1. Preservation. SPITBOL was a great achievement and it should be

2. Education. In the past people who had access to the source read and
learned from it. Now the source will be available to all.

3. Utility. It still works! A new generation of mainframe software
users (e.g., Hercules users) will find it useful.

Where do you get SPITBOL 360?



and click on the SPITBOL 360 link.


    Bob Goldberg
[I used Spitbol in 1971 to generate assembler source for a program
on a pre-frame-buffer display attached to a Varian 620i, for an
art exhibit in NYC. Even now, it's a cool language. -John]

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