Parser for Rule Validation (David)
8 Nov 2001 01:17:22 -0500

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Parser for Rule Validation (2001-11-08)
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From: (David)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 8 Nov 2001 01:17:22 -0500
Keywords: parse, question
Posted-Date: 08 Nov 2001 01:17:22 EST

I have been given the task of establishing whether a set of data
conforms to a set of rules and behaving accordingly. The type of thing
I am talking about is date<endyear, customer in customerlist, that
kind of thing.

Traditionally this type of rule checking has been hardcoded, but a
database approach is proposed.

The rest of the system is developed predominantly in C++ and my
knowledge of rule-based languages is very limited.

Can anyone suggest a library, even language or system that would help

Many thanks in advance

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