Eli Problem

Karsten Sperling <k.sperling@gmx.net>
8 Nov 2001 01:15:19 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Eli Problem k.sperling@gmx.net (Karsten Sperling) (2001-11-08)
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From: Karsten Sperling <k.sperling@gmx.net>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 8 Nov 2001 01:15:19 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: question
Posted-Date: 08 Nov 2001 01:15:19 EST


I'm trying to use Eli (4.3.0) to create a compiler for a very small
subset of Java. Right now I'm concerned with the name analysis, so
i have a .specs, .gla, .con, and .lido file in place, and would
like to generate a test program using the /Name/ShowBinding.gnrc
library. However when I try to request my executable using

-> minijava.specs :exe
** Summary of error messages for /home/ka/minijava.specs :eli*exe
--- </home/ka/minijava.specs :eli*used_objects> does not exist ---
--- </home/ka/minijava.specs :eli*used_sources> does not exist ---

I get these errors. I'm not quite sure what they mean, and I didn't
find anything on those errors in the docs or anywhere else on the web.
Does anybody know what Eli is trying to tell me, and how to properly
generate an executable for the ShowBinding test?

Thanks in advance,

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