syntax error message tools and methods

Clint and Susie Jeffery <>
5 Nov 2001 00:15:10 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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syntax error message tools and methods (Clint and Susie Jeffery) (2001-11-05)
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From: Clint and Susie Jeffery <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 5 Nov 2001 00:15:10 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: errors
Posted-Date: 05 Nov 2001 00:15:10 EST


I am looking for any work involving novel tools or methods of
producing useful syntax error messages, done in the last 10 years or
so. There was a nice bibliography of work done prior to that posted
to this group ages ago. Note that I am asking about ways to generate
useful error messages, not ways to recover from errors, of which there
are dozens of articles. Also note: I am particularly interested in
tools/methods usable with standard YACC-compatible parsers, and I
already know how to use the "error token", I am looking for
alternative or better ways to produce the messages. Any help will be
greatly, truly appreciated!

Clint Jeffery,

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