dependancy graphs ? JIT sequencing ?
5 Nov 2001 00:08:50 -0500

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dependancy graphs ? JIT sequencing ? (2001-11-05)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers,sci.cognitive
Date: 5 Nov 2001 00:08:50 -0500
Organization: The South African Internet Exchange
Keywords: analysis, question
Posted-Date: 05 Nov 2001 00:08:50 EST

Perhaps 'dependancy graphs' is not related to my query ?
The concept is applicable in several subjects:

1. 'Just in time' manufacturing, where the inputs are scheduled to be
available just before they are required, for each stage.

2. One pass compilable languages were the required information
is always given before it's needed. Ie. no need to 'look ahead'.

3. Good quality mathematical tutors: no information is introduced
before it's needed and all information needed is previously
By contrast most tutors need multiple sweeps to collect the
required information.

I'm looking for a formal discussion of this concept;
preferably on line.

Thanks, for info also emailed to

Chris Glur.

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