Alias Analysis for Java

Damon Fenacci <>
5 Nov 2001 00:00:03 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Alias Analysis for Java (Damon Fenacci) (2001-11-05)
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From: Damon Fenacci <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 5 Nov 2001 00:00:03 -0500
Organization: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ)
Keywords: Java, analysis
Posted-Date: 05 Nov 2001 00:00:03 EST


I'm working on my diploma thesis at the departement of Computer
Science at ETH in Zuerich. My work consists of implementing Alias
Analysis for the ETH Research COmpiler (ERCO) which is a Java native
optimizing compiler. At the moment I'm still looking for
documentation on the net and in books and, until now, I've found many
good papers about Alias Analysis and related subjects. However, most
of the Alias Analysis algorithms proposed there are C or C++ based and
include many rules to handle cases (such as p = &a ) that are not
present in Java.

Does anyone know where I can find more specific information about
Alias Analysis (or, more precisely, Flow-Sensitive Alias Analysis) for

Thank you in advance for your help.

Damon Fenacci

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