MICRO-34 Call for Participation- Online Registration/Final Program Announcement (Austin, Dec 2-5)

"Dan Connors" <dconnors@colorado.edu>
4 Nov 2001 23:55:59 -0500

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MICRO-34 Call for Participation- Online Registration/Final Program Ann dconnors@colorado.edu (Dan Connors) (2001-11-04)
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From: "Dan Connors" <dconnors@colorado.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 4 Nov 2001 23:55:59 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: conference
Posted-Date: 04 Nov 2001 23:55:59 EST

                                                MICRO-34 Announcements
            The 34th International Symposium on Microarchitecture
                                      Austin, Texas, Dec. 1-5 2001


    * Micro-34 Invitation: Yale Patt
    * On-line Conference & Workshop/Tutorial Registration
    * On-line Hotel Registration and Travel Information
    * On-line Student Travel Grant Application
    * Key-note Speakers: Cragon and Wolfe
    * Micro-34 Program

    Micro-34 Invitation:

The MICRO-34 organizing committee is pleased to announce that MICRO-34
will take place in Austin, Texas from Dec. 2 to Dec. 5, 2001. MICRO
continues to be the premier technical forum for microarchitecture. It
is well attended by both academics and industry people whose expertise
is in the design, understanding, and tradeoffs of microprocessors.

MICRO-34 accepted 29 papers selected from 144 excellent submissions.
The number of submitted papers illustrates the energy and strength of
the MICRO research community.

Austin is unique: a focal point of high tech industry, a world-class
university, and a cultural center known for its live music, diversity,
and restaurants. Austin provides a spectacular and enjoyable location
for Micro-34. Plan to enjoy a profound technical program, but also
this unique location.

We have chosen the Marriott as the conference hotel. It is ideally
situated, a short walk from Austin's famous 6th Street (live music and
restaurants), the Texas state capitol building, and The University of

As always, students are especially encouraged to attend Micro-34. We
expect a record amount of funding for student travel grants through
generous corporate sponsorship. Details regarding student travel will
be made available.

Any questions or suggestions, please contact me at:

Yale Patt
Micro-34 General Chair
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX.

    On-line Conference and Workshop/Tutorial Registration is Available


          Deadline for early registration is November 15th.
          On-line registration runs thru November 25th.

                Morning Tutorial: Architectural Exploration with Liberty
                Afternoon Tutorial: Itanium Open Research Compiler

                All-Day Workshops:
                      Feedback-Directed and Dynamic (FDDO-4)
                      Multi-Threaded Execution, Architecture and Compilers (MTEAC-5)

                Morning Tutorial: SimpleScalar Version 4.0 Toolset Release
                Afternoon Tutorial: Network Processing Applications, Architectures,
                      and Examples

                All-Day Workshops:
                      Workshop on Workload Characterization (WWC-4)
                      Media and Stream Processors (MSP-3)
                      EPIC Architecture and Compilation (EPIC-1)

      On-line Hotel Registration is Available


            Conference hotel on-line registration ends November 28th.

            Other surrounding hotels are also listed.

      On-Line Student Travel Application is Available


            There is a record amount of travel money available for
            student grants (~$20,000) thanks to sponsors:
                IEEE TC-MARCH, ACM SIGMICRO, Hewlett-Packard, Intel,
                Motorola, Advanced Micro Devices, and IBM.

            Grant application deadline is November 2nd.

      Micro-34 Key-Note Speakers
                Harvey Cragon, University of Texas at Austin-
                    "Fifty Years of Microarchitecture"

                Andrew Wolfe, SONICblue-
                    "Emerging Applications for the Connected Home"

      Abstracts available:

    Micro-34 Final Program and Abstracts are Available:


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