ISCA 2002 Call For Papers (May 25-29, Anchorage)

"Dan Connors" <>
4 Nov 2001 23:55:11 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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ISCA 2002 Call For Papers (May 25-29, Anchorage) (Dan Connors) (2001-11-04)
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From: "Dan Connors" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 4 Nov 2001 23:55:11 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: architecture, conference, CFP
Posted-Date: 04 Nov 2001 23:55:11 EST

The International Symposium on Computer Architecture represents the
premier technical forum on computer architecture. Both academic and
industrial experts present their latest research findings in this
rapidly changing field. Authors are invited to submit full papers on
all aspects of computer architecture. Topics of interest include, but
are not limited to:

                + Processor architecture and innovative microarchitectures
                + Multiprocessors, multicomputers, and distributed architectures
                + Memory hierarchy
                + I/O systems and networking
                + Architectures for commerical and multimedia applications
                + Special-purpose and reconfigurable architectures
                + Embedded system architectures
                + Power-efficient architectures
                + Cluster and high-availability architectures
                + Impact of technology on architecture
                + Novel architectures and computing techniques
                + Performance evaluation and measurement of real systems
                + Network Processor architecture

Please check the following web site for paper submission information

The submission process for ISCA 2002 has been updated to streamline
the program committee submission review assignment process. Instead of
an automatic one week extension between the soft and hard deadlines,
submissions to ISCA 2002 will include two parts: an abstract and a
paper submission. The abstract will be electronically submitted and
include a 100-300 description of the paper and an indication of the
key topics of the paper. This will help us assign papers to the best

The ABSTACT DEADLINE for submissions is NOVEMBER 9, 2001 at 6PM PST
(US). The PAPER DEADLINE for submissions is one week later, NOVEMBER
16, 2001 at 6PM PST (US).

No further extensions will be granted. Submit an electronic copy of
your paper (in PDF formatted for letter-size paper), not to exceed
6000 words.

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