Dragon book getting old?

alankarmisra@hotmail.com (gods1child)
6 Oct 2001 16:28:59 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: alankarmisra@hotmail.com (gods1child)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 6 Oct 2001 16:28:59 -0400
Organization: http://groups.google.com/
Keywords: books, question, comment
Posted-Date: 06 Oct 2001 16:28:59 EDT

Hi, I read some reviews about the Dragon Book and they mentioned that
it was 'getting old'. My question is what does 'getting old' signify?
Does it mean that it doesnt cover more recent concepts like OOP, etc
or does it also signify that the techniques presented therein for
parsers, code generators, etc are now replaced by more advanced
techniques. Thanx.
[Getting old means that it doesn't cover anything invented since 1976.
Everything it says is as true as it ever was. There aren't a whole
lot of new basic techniques since then (OOP was invented in 1967), but
computers now have orders of magnitude more storage than they did then
and present more complex optimization targets, so there's a certain
amount of new stuff they don't cover. But people still are writing
compilers with lex and yacc, the algorithms there haven't changed. -John]

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