Compiler positions available for week ending June 10 (comp.compilers)
10 Jun 2001 22:51:00 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Compiler positions available for week ending June 10 (2001-06-10)
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From: (comp.compilers)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers,
Date: 10 Jun 2001 22:51:00 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: jobs
Posted-Date: 10 Jun 2001 22:51:00 EDT

This is a digest of ``help wanted'' and ``position available'' messages
received at comp.compilers during the preceding week. Messages must
advertise a position having something to do with compilers and must also
conform to the guidelines periodically posted in
Positions that remain open may be re-advertised once a month. To respond
to a job offer, send mail to the author of the message. To submit a
message, mail it to


Subject: Research Job in Modular Program Analysis @ Heriot-Watt Univ., Scotland, UK
From: Joe Wells <>
Date: 03 Jun 2001 22:51:54 +0100

                                                        Researcher Position

            Useful Logics, Types, Rewriting, and Applications (ULTRA) Group
                            Computing and Electrical Engineering Department
                                                      Heriot-Watt University
                                                    Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

      A research position is available on an EPSRC-funded project directed
      by Joe Wells. The position is in the ULTRA (Useful Logics, Types,
      Rewriting, and Applications) group in the Department of Computing and
      Electrical Engineering at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, the
      capital of Scotland.

      The researcher ideally will already have skills in one or more of the
      following areas and must be interested in and able to learn about
      several others:
          * type systems, especially those with intersection and union types,
          * static analysis of computer programs,
          * unification and constraint solving,
          * higher-order programming languages (e.g., Haskell, LISP, Objective
              Caml, Scheme, Standard ML, etc.),
          * programming language semantics, design, and implementation.

      The researcher will help build, document, test, maintain, distribute,
      and support significant software components for performing modular
      program analysis. The researcher will also aid in writing scientific
      reports on the work done.

      The position is initially for 1 year, with possible extensions
      depending on performance and funding. The salary will be commensurate
      with qualifications and experience in the range from 16775 GBP to
      25213 GBP per year. It is preferred that the researcher will already
      have or will be just about to complete a Ph.D. in a relevant
      discipline within Computer Science. Applicants from outside the
      European Union (EU) will be considered.

      To formally apply for this position, please do the following before
      the closing date of 2001-06-25:
          * Arrange for 3 letters of reference to be sent.
          * Send the following yourself:
                    + your complete curriculum vitae,
                    + a brief statement (one paragraph is enough) explaining why
                        you think your research accomplishments and interests would
                        be a good match for the job,
                    + web pointers to or paper copies of from 0 to 3 publications
                        of yours which you think are relevant, and
                    + contact details for the people writing your letters of
          * Contact the Heriot-Watt Personnel Office and get them to send you
              an "application pack". This contains an application form, an equal
              opportunities monitoring form, information for applicants with
              disabilities, and some additional information about Heriot-Watt
              and the position.
          * Fill out and return the application form and the equal
              opportunities monitoring form. (If your curriculum vitae is well
              constructed, then nearly all of the information requested on the
              application form will be redundant, in which case I feel it is
              reasonable to just write "see c.v." in the blanks.)

      Please include the reference code 64/01/U in all communications to
      help prevent your application from getting mixed up. Before sending
      Microsoft Word documents electronically, please first convert them to
      a public, standard, and non-proprietary format, e.g., HTML, PDF,
      PostScript, etc.

      Informal inquiries should be directed to Joe Wells at:

          fax: +44 131 449 3834

      Formal applications and/or requests for materials for completing a
      formal application should be directed to the Heriot-Watt Personnel
      Office at:

          voice mail: +44 131 451 3475
          fax: +44 131 451 3475
          minicom: +44 131 451 8212
          post: The Personnel Office
                                  Lord Balerno Building
                                  Heriot-Watt University
                                  EH14 4AS
                                  GREAT BRITAIN


From: Steve Clement <Steven@TTINC.NET>
Subject: Compiler Design R+D at Thompson Technologies (Georgia)
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 15:41:51 -0400

Thompson Technologies is seeking a Compiler Design Lead/Senior
Engineer to provide technical leadership and contributions to the
ongoing development of an advanced C/C++ optimizing compiler and
associated tools. The successful candidate will lead a team of
researchers and compiler engineers, focusing on the development and
implementation of innovations in compiler optimizations and scheduling
techniques, for data and instruction level parallelism. The candidate
will have strong interaction with application developers, processor
architects, and hardware engineers, influencing the architecture
definition and evaluating the compiler/ architecture
interaction. Doctorate Degree.

Required Skills:Extensive experience in compiler design and engineering (>5
years). PhD A MUST, Strong processor architectural background is prefer.
Technical leadership experience. Experience with compiler optimization
algorithms, instruction and loop level parallelism, software pipelining,
VLIW architectures, data paralleli vectorization, scheduling, code
Salary Range: $125,000-$175,000(full benefits package)
Please contact via email or phone:

Steven Clement
Account Manager
Thompson Technologies, Inc.
770-794-8380 ext. 2026


From: "Cloakware Corporation" <>
Subject: Two compiler related positions (Ontario)
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 13:38:00 -0700

Compiler Designer REF# 6CH1024CD -Permanent

Cloakware is seeking expert Compiler Writers, with knowledge any or a
combination of the following:
- Optimization
- Program Transformation
- Combinatorics
- Obfuscation Techniques
- Program slicing Technique
- Numerical Analysis
- Semetric Representations for Control- and Data-Flow
- Control- and Data-Flow Dependencies

This expert would be expected to contribute to the design and
implementation of Cloakware's software encoding tools Knowledge of
Java, C++, Eiffel, Modula-3, or some similar object-oriented language,
is essential.

Compiler Testers - REF# 2CH0419CT Permanent

The ideal candidate should have the following experience:
- Compiler testing experience/knowledge
- Various testing of software applications
- Manual and automated software testing experience
- Scripting experience 2-3 years
- Set-up of test environment
- Implementation of test procedures
- Knowledge/experience with various test tools.
- Intermediate to senior
- Immediate

Charlene S. Hosein
HR Manager/Corporate Technical Recruiter
Cloakware Corporation
(613)271-9446 x 271

311-260 Hearst Way
Kanata, ON
K2L 3H1
Fax (613) 271-9447

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