Re: Enumeration data type

"Brian Webb" <>
19 Jan 2001 23:15:00 -0500

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
Enumeration data type (Brian Webb) (2001-01-18)
Re: Enumeration data type (Brian Webb) (2001-01-19)
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Re: Enumeration data type (Mike Dimmick) (2001-01-19)
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From: "Brian Webb" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 19 Jan 2001 23:15:00 -0500
Organization: FlashNet Communications,
References: 01-01-081
Keywords: types
Posted-Date: 19 Jan 2001 23:15:00 EST

Here's a more verbose example of what I'm trying to do. I use the
color code example.

    The following is just an example.
    Do not try and solve it as a problem.

Suppose I have a routine that accepts one of the following five color
codes as an argument.

    Black = 0
    Red = 1
    Green = 2
    Blue = 8
    White = 16

A sample call would look like this:

    Call Set_Background(Blue)

I don't want the following call to work, since the value used wasn't

    Call Set_Background(7)

I'd prefer not to allow the following to work, even though the numeric
value is correct. I may forget what 8 means, or decide to modify the
color codes.

    Call Set_Background(8)

I could just define some constants...

    integer constant Black = 0
    integer constant Red = 1
    integer constant Green = 2
    integer constant Blue = 8
    integer constant White = 16

....or some typed constants,...

    datatype Color_Code is integer
    Color_Code constant Black = 0
    Color_Code constant Red = 1
    Color_Code constant Green = 2
    Color_Code constant Blue = 8
    Color_Code constant White = 16

....but someone might decide to scroll down a few pages and add their
own color codes for an unrelated routine.

    integer constant Purple = 6
    integer constant Grey = 15

or even

    Color_Code constant Purple = 6
    Color_Code constant Purple = 15

Then, someone might try

    Call Set_Background(Purple)

and wonder why it doesn't work.

So, what I'm trying to design is a construct that forces all of the
values of a data type to be declared in one place. I thought the
following looked OK, but I'm worried that using the term "enumeration"
may a poor word to use, especially for the non-integer data types.

    enumeration Color_Code is integer
        Black = 0
        Red = 1
        Green = 2
        Blue = 8
        White = 16
    end enumeration Color_Code

I was wondering if anyone has seen anything like this in an existing

- Brian

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