VB/VBA: Creating list of variables and parsing statements

"Howard Kaikow" <kaikow@standards.com>
26 Nov 2000 01:11:32 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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VB/VBA: Creating list of variables and parsing statements kaikow@standards.com (Howard Kaikow) (2000-11-26)
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Re: VB/VBA: Creating list of variables and parsing statements vbdis@aol.com (2000-12-03)
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From: "Howard Kaikow" <kaikow@standards.com>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 26 Nov 2000 01:11:32 -0500
Organization: MV Communications, Inc.
Keywords: Basic, parse, question
Posted-Date: 26 Nov 2000 01:11:32 EST

All my compiler books are 20+ years old. Only one (an early version of the
Dragon book) even mentions Yacc and Lex. Do the newer books address VB/VBA?

Can I even find a Yacc grammar for VBA?

I'm looking for a way to, in a VBA project:

1. Create a list of all variables in a module, perhaps identifying the type.
2. Create a list of all variables, identifying the type of each, in a
3. Parse each statement into its components.

Note that I do not have a background in Computer Science, however, I
was actively involved in the standards for a number of programming
languages, in particular BASIC and Fortran. I only read some of the
compiler books for background.

Are there any books I need to buy?

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