How hard is it to write a compiler ?

Pradeep Tumati <>
22 Oct 2000 01:30:05 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: Pradeep Tumati <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 22 Oct 2000 01:30:05 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: question, practice, comment

          I was just wondering as for how many programmers one needs to design
C/C++ and the Java compiler. Also, what is the time required to complete
these two compilers with all the available tools. how long does it take to
remodify the GCC compiler (semantic and the code generation parts)
completely and make a product out of that. What are the approximate
resources like - no of programmers, amount of money to be spent on tools and
on programmers and also how long does it take. Acutally, I am preparing a
small business proposal for my management class. I will be happy to get your
advices on this.


                                                                                              Pradeep Tumati
[It depends a great deal on the programmers. If you have really good
programmers, two of them should be able to do either project in a year.
If you don't, it'll take a dozen of them five years. -John]

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