Microsoft .NET and its IL

"gothmog" <>
8 Oct 2000 22:28:22 -0400

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
Microsoft .NET and its IL (gothmog) (2000-10-08)
Re: Microsoft .NET and its IL (2000-10-10)
Re: Microsoft .NET and its IL (Lieven Marchand) (2000-10-10)
Re: Microsoft .NET and its IL (2000-10-10)
Re: Microsoft .NET and its IL (Joachim Durchholz) (2000-10-12)
Re: Microsoft .NET and its IL (Andrey S. Bokhanko) (2000-10-12)
Re: Microsoft .NET and its IL (Peter Drayton) (2000-10-15)
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From: "gothmog" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 8 Oct 2000 22:28:22 -0400
Organization: Ireland On-Line Customer
Keywords: tools, question

Isn't this the holy grail that UNCOL failed in achieving?

A unified IDE with plug-in languagues, compiling to a common IL, in
turn compiled to machine code before running. A common framework
library, that can be extended using any IL compatible language. Very
ambitious claims. Any thoughts on its success or failure?
[MS languages really only have one target, 32 or maybe 64 bit little
endian byte addressed machines using their ASCII-like character set
under Windows. That greatly simplifies the job. -John]

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