Re: Tools for Syntax Improvement? (Richard J. Botting)
8 Oct 2000 22:14:40 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Tools for Syntax Improvement? (2000-10-01)
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From: (Richard J. Botting)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 8 Oct 2000 22:14:40 -0400
Organization: AOL
References: 00-10-010
Keywords: parse, history

An idiot with my name and address expostulated:
>Way back when, I remember someone published a paper on some tools they
>had that would automatically improve the expression of the grammar of
>a language into a form suitable for a compiler compiler like
>I can't find the ref on the WWW or a copy in my office.
>Probably between 1978 and 1988?
>Is it a fantasy or are there such tools?

It was in 1968. It was not for yacc style parsers but top-down LL(1)
parsing. In the dragon book (Duh).

rbotting at CSUSB edu
Computer Scientist, Ex Sys Admin, Consultant, Researcher, and Reviewer

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