Re: pl/0 ?

Ed Davis <>
1 Oct 2000 00:24:28 -0400

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
pl/0 ? (Rob Ashcroft) (2000-09-17)
Re: pl/0 ? (2000-09-21)
Re: pl/0 ? (Ed Davis) (2000-10-01)
| List of all articles for this month |
From: Ed Davis <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 1 Oct 2000 00:24:28 -0400
Organization: - Before you buy.
References: 00-09-140
Keywords: Pascal

    "Rob Ashcroft" <> wrote:
> Does anyone know where I can get a description of how the PL0
> compiler (by N Wirth) works. (Line by Line if possible)

I have seen two versions with line by line descriptions, but both were
in C, both were very different from the original (one used LEX/YACC,
one built an AST and generated 8086 code), and the comments were not
in English - one was in Japanese, the other in German. I tried
bablefish, but my connection is so slow, I gave up on it.

I also found several Java versions, but I can't remember how well they
were commented.

There are lots of compiler courses on the net that use pl/0. Have you
tried using any of the search engines, with a search for "pl/0"? I
didn't save the url's of the two compilers mentioned above, but they
came up in the first 200 or so hits on google.

And, as mentioned previously, the author's book does a good job
explaining pl/0 too!

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