Re: simple ambigous grammar... (RKRayhawk)
27 Aug 2000 22:28:28 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Re: simple ambigous grammar... (2000-08-27)
Re: simple ambigous grammar... (2000-08-27)
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From: (RKRayhawk)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 27 Aug 2000 22:28:28 -0400
Organization: AOL
References: 00-08-109
Keywords: parse

pietro, ()
Date: 21 Aug 2000 00:06:07 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central

But since I've no delimiters between expression,
and yacc has only one lookahead, this does not work.
Which is the right grammar to parser my expression ?

It is not necessary to have what we sense as delimiters (between
statements or anywhere else) in a grammar in order for a lookahead(1)
tool to work.

A tool, like yacc, is always trying to either shift the next lookahead
onto a stack or to reduce what is on the stack already. In a certain
sense, once the tool sees that that next token can not be shifted (is
not a continuation of an even longer recognized sequence) it must
reduce what it has so far or signal an error.

You do have a high level iterator

AL -> AL A | A

which should be able to swallow one assignment after another,
delivering in the end, a long assignment list.

Using the symbolism you published :

AL -> AL A | A
A -> ID = E
E -> E + T | T
T -> T . F | F
F -> ID

if maybe useful for you to re-enter the expression-term-factor
structure, recursively. Perhaps, simplistically;

E -> E + T | T
T -> T . F | F
F -> ID | E

It is not rare for designers to expect imbedded expressions to be sandwiched
between parentheses, as in

E -> E + T | T
T -> T . F | F
F -> ID | ( E )

Also it is not rare, to try to deal with unary plus/minus in that same rule (F
-> .....) but I digress.

The presence of E or (E) in the F-> rule will tell the tool to shift that much
more onto the stack.

As humorous as it seems, the open parenthesis is actually an
anti-delimitter (trying to stretch across the pond let me pen
'contra-delimitter' alternatively). It is a grammatical device that
says 'this is NOT the limit of the foregoing text, keep on gluing more
stuff onto the stack'.

In passing, I will encourage you to indicate the actual error you are
experiencing from your tool, and give us a hint as to whether you are
up to speed yet on associativity.

Best Wishes,
Bob Rayhawk

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