syntax-directed editing

Alexander Stippler <>
27 Aug 2000 22:18:45 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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syntax-directed editing (Alexander Stippler) (2000-08-27)
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From: Alexander Stippler <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 27 Aug 2000 22:18:45 -0400
Organization: University of Ulm
Keywords: Java, question
X-NewsReader: KRN


I've got an AST representation of a java package/file and a textual
representation of this file. This file should be editable and the AST
thus has to be updated at least every time the file is saved. How can
I manage this rebuilding as little as possible of the AST and how can
I do it at all? Do you know some introducing papers or other
materials on this topic?

Thanks in advance.
Alexander Stippler
[There was a series of articles in the JCLT on an incremental compiler
that incrementally updated the parse tree. If the text is stored in a
tokenized form, I'd guess that reparsing is fast enough that it's
not worth a lot of work to avoid. -John]

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