Virtual Machine - Tiny Basic

"Hugo Rozas M." <>
20 Aug 2000 23:59:09 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Virtual Machine - Tiny Basic (Hugo Rozas M.) (2000-08-20)
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From: "Hugo Rozas M." <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 20 Aug 2000 23:59:09 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: Basic, interpreter, question

Hi 2 All;

I will make some newbie questions; Plz. sorry about that.
I am making a tiny basic interpreter and I have seen that
there is two ways of do that :

1- The first one is to read the source and generate intermediate
          code; Then and Interpreter reads and executes the tokenized

2- The second one is to generate some kind of pseudo-Assembler,
          then a virtual machines reads and executes this.

I seems that actually the second method (VM) is the most popular. My
question is why?; When I generate a pseudo-Assembler that needs to be
interpreted and executed by the VM; I'am not creating another layer
that will slow down the execution?

If VM is the way to go, someone knows a page that shows the theory of
Virtual Machine design?

Thanx in Advance


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