Meta language?

Mihai Christodorescu <>
14 Aug 2000 17:31:01 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: Mihai Christodorescu <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 14 Aug 2000 17:31:01 -0400
Organization: UWisc - CS -
References: 00-08-085
Keywords: question

Does anyone know of any language designed specifically for modifying
source code? It should deal with concepts such as "function", "block",
"statement", "expression", "type", etc. (of course, only for
imperative, non-OO languages). It would work on the AST of a program,
modifying the AST, and generating source in the same language:

C source -> meta language? -> C source

I want to be able to do something like: given some source code,
"insert at the entry of each function the statement...", and get back
source code (preferably formatted just like before) with the new
statement inserted in the right places. I can think of other
applications as well, this is the simplest one I can think of.

Any pointers are welcome. I am mostly interested in the design of the
(meta-)language, rather than the implementation.



  Mihai Christodorescu -=- -

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