Re: Backward semantic analysis of Oracle SQL

Frank Gerlach <>
13 Aug 2000 19:02:44 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Backward semantic analysis of Oracle SQL (2000-08-10)
Re: Backward semantic analysis of Oracle SQL (Frank Gerlach) (2000-08-13)
Re: Backward semantic analysis of Oracle SQL (2000-08-13)
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From: Frank Gerlach <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 13 Aug 2000 19:02:44 -0400
Organization: Brokat AG
References: 00-08-052
Keywords: design

I guess this is due to the separation of parser and scanner. The
"selec" error is most probably detected by the scanner and immediately
reported. The set of tables of your select stmt might be stored in
reverse order by the parser (as the order is of no relevance and this
allows for a simple stack data structure) and then checked for
existence. wrote:

> I hope this is not off-topic. The Oracle database SQL interpreter
> seems to do semantic analysis from the end of a SQL statement to the
> beginning. I wonder why they do this and whether there's anything bad
> about it.

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