Re: Implementation of 'C' like pointers and arrays...

Tom Fjellstrom <>
13 Aug 2000 18:50:24 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: Tom Fjellstrom <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 13 Aug 2000 18:50:24 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 00-08-030 00-08-044
Keywords: design, comment

> [You need to make a linked list of "pointer to", "array of", and
> "function returning" modifier types, or something close to that.
> For the arrays, you also need the array size. -John]

Thats sounds so simple It might just work.

Thank you...
[It better work, it's been working in C compilers for 25 years. -John]

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